
Mobile Number
Hours 10
Category :

Graphic Designing

20 Reviews:


This introductory course in graphic design provides students with a foundational understanding of the principles, tools, and techniques essential for creating compelling visual communication. Participants will explore key design concepts, develop practical skills using industry-standard software, and engage in hands-on projects to apply their knowledge. Whether you're a beginner seeking to enter the world of graphic design or someone looking to enhance your design skills, this course will equip you with the fundamentals needed to create impactful and aesthetically pleasing designs.

Course Description:

  • Introduction to Graphic Design
  • Visual Element: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Typography, Space, Scale, Proportion, Balance, Contrast, Unity, Hierarchy, Rhythm
  • Principle of Design: Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Unity/Harmony, Proportion/Scale, Repetition/Rhythm, Movement, Alignment, Proximity, Contrast, Space, Economy
  • Developing Tessellation & Developing Patterns
  • Colour Schemes
  • Design Development & Production
  • Design Software Proficiency
  • Navigate the CorelDraw interface
  • Explore viewing modes and customizing options
  • Techniques for organizing visual elements on a page or screen.
  • Basic Tools Skills using graphic design software.
  • Use tools, palettes, symbols, clipart, and work with bitmaps
  • Create and manipulate objects
  • Outline, fill, and transform objects
  • Use layers and special effects
  • Fundamentals of fonts, typefaces, text layout and typography.
  • Cropping, resizing, and enhancing images for design projects.
  • Creating scalable illustrations and logos.
  • Guided projects using Coral Draw Software.
  • Save, and print design layouts


  • Participation in class activities and discussions.
  • Completion of hands-on projects.
  • Portfolio presentation at the end of the course.

Prerequisites:  No prior graphic design experience is required. Basic computer literacy is recommended.

Recommended Materials:

  • Laptop with graphic design software installed (CoralDraw).
  • Sketchbook and drawing materials

Course Pricing

Rs. 499

Course Features

  • Understand the basic principles of graphic design, including balance, contrast, emphasis, and unity.
  • Apply color theory effectively in design projects to convey mood and enhance visual appeal.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in typography, font selection, and text layout.
  • Create visually engaging layouts and compositions using industry-standard design software.
  • Develop basic image editing skills for enhancing and manipulating visuals.
  • Utilize vector graphics tools to create scalable and high-quality illustrations and logos.
  • Grasp the importance of brand identity in design and create visual elements that contribute to it.
  • Navigate and use graphic design software.
  • Stay informed about current design trends and industry best practices.
  • Build a portfolio showcasing completed design projects and effectively present design work.