
Mobile Number
Hours 6:00:00
Category :

Journalism & Mass Communication

20 Reviews:


Sound Editing is the process of creating original music and turning noises into meaningful sounds. The profession of Sound Editing is expanding quickly with the progress of the entertainment industry. The flourishing music industry, expanding radio stations, and YouTube channels have further raised the demand for Sound Editors. Earlier, Sound Editing was known as sound effects. However, the role of a sound editor has changed dramatically now. A Sound Editor is responsible for finalizing audio in movies and television programs in a presentable way.
This course is suitable for both beginners and experienced sound editors. It will teach you to perform all major editing tasks on audio files. You will learn how to edit, trim, mix, record an audio file, and apply effects on the same, how to export an audio file after editing; and many more functionalities on audio. The course will teach you how to manage audio files and sync audio recordings. With easy-to-understand explanations, the course is designed to enable you finish your projects much faster. You will learn how to get free audio files that you can use even in commercial projects.
The course also covers editing voice-over recordings for an app, scoring sound for a film, syncing multi-track audio recordings from a live show, band rehearsal recordings, album recordings, orchestra recordings, getting drum kit sounds to sync well, and transferring audio files between two different digital audio
Who this course is for—
  • Anyone looking to learn how to perform editing functionality on audio.


Course Pricing

Rs. 499

Course Features

  • There is no precondition for taking this course.
  • Knowledge of how to record audio is desirable.