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Hours 8h:23m:00s
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3D Printing is a process in which a digital model is turned into a tangible, solid, three-dimensional
object, usually by laying down many successive, thin layers of a material. 3D printing has become
popular so quickly because it makes manufacturing accessible to more people than ever before. 
This course will arm you with everything you need to start 3D printing. It will enable you to produce a wide variety of objects whether you're making replacement parts of broken objects around the house or prototyping your next invention; this course will get you started in no time.
In this course you will learn all aspects of 3D printing technology— its history, ways to get the best
print, using slicers, and even finishing your prints. This course will help you deal with the challenges
3D Printing enthusiasts encounter when they start out. 

Who this course is for—

  • Anyone interested in learning 3D Printing
  • Artists, designers or makers willing to learn 3D Printing technology

Course Pricing

Rs. 499

Course Features

  • Use SQL to query a database
  • Use SQL to perform data analysis
  • Be comfortable putting SQL and PostgreSQL on their resume
  • Learn to perform GROUP BY statements
  • Replicate real-world situations and query reports