
Mobile Number
Hours 10
Category :


20 Reviews:


  • Introduction to concept of Jyotish skand
  • Explain the concept of Bhav in Astrology
  • Understand the concept of Nakshatra
  • Understand the concept of Rashi
  • Understand the concept of Grah
  • Describe the concept of Yog
  • Get familiar with Panchang
  • Elaborate the concept of Dasha

Course Pricing

Rs. 499

Course Features

This is an E-Learning Certification course with a duration of 10 hours. The course is designed for individuals interested in gaining foundational knowledge in Vedic Astrology, particularly those who prefer learning in Hindi. No prior knowledge of astrology is required, making it accessible for beginners. The course is centered on the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, providing a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles and concepts. While foundational, the course may introduce potential career paths in astrology, encouraging learners to explore further studies or applications in the field of Astrology.